The Bosch gauges will be the first line including replacement temperature, speedometers, tachometers, and pressure gauges to suit all applications. It is known for engineering, precision, and innovation. Adding style and there will be the Bosch gauges. The Style line offers an easy read as it features a bright pointer against a black or white background. It also includes internal backlighting for 12Volt and mounting hardware. The gauge features a black dial in standard 2 such that the black dial opening is for 2-1/16” and it features a removable black bezel and black mounting panel. Hg Vacuum scale with 270-degree sweep, including tubing and fittings of 72”. The Bosch SP0F000050 is Mechanical Vacuum Style Line 2” Boost Gauge. Reading in daylight the gauge is not easy.Connect correctly so that the diameter works properly.Above all, Glow-shift offers technical support for the lifetime and with each purchase of gauge, warranty for a year. There is no need to reset your gauge as there is the feature of color memory recall that allows you to turn the car immediately. This boost gauge connects to the headlight of the factory that switches permits to dim up around 30% ensuring the ease of night driving. This product allows choosing from the seven colors, in association with the modes of the two-color cycle that permits to match the dash lights of the factory or to add to the car interior appearance. These are easy to read featuring red illuminated needle sweeping for maximum accuracy of around 270. The GlowShift’s Tinted Gauge boasts offers features of a low profile tinted magnified lens. It reads 0 to 200 PSI with a mechanical air pressure gauge and an included NTP 1/8th male fitting situated on the gauge back. Glowshift Tinted Color features Air pressure gauge of 7 colors making it an ideal gauge having air brakes or suspension. GlowShift Tinted 7 Color 30 PSI Turbo Boost / Vacuum Gauge Kit Careful installation is a must to ensure the perfect fit 2.Alerts quickly if there is an air/fuel ratio change.This boost gauge is distinct and it alerts quickly if there is a change in air/fuel ratio offering enough shutting downtime to the engine that it does not cause any damage and for that this is the best digital boost gauge. The boost gauge requires maximizing the power and safety of the engine. The sensor uses a different connector that cannot be interchanged with 4.2 LSU sensors.

It does not require free-air calibration. The 4.9 LSU-sensor has 4.2 LSU fuel compatibility. The Bosch sensor is 4.9LSU used in AEM UEGO Controller Gauge draws less current as it has a faster light off time, thus it offers speed and accuracy. Each gauge features black and white faceplates and silver and black bezels offering a custom look. The AEM gauge features analog output 0-5V to be utilized with the engine management system and data loggers. The AEM digital boost gauge is required definitely to maximize the power and safety of the engine. The gauge housing is 52mm ensuring it fits perfectly in most gauges pads and may be mounted anywhere remotely. AEM UEGO Air Ratio Gauge has a digital LED display, LED needle that changes colors from rich to lean with AFR changes.